Monday, July 13, 2009

Elie Youssef Najem

Ever heard of a Mr. Elie Youssef Najem?

No? that's OK. Neither did the rest of Malaysia until he made the headline news a few years back pledging a billion ringgint to MAKNA, the Malaysian Cancer Council. Of course, we all know pledges are free, and till today, MAKNA has yet to receive the alleged money.

He's probably the most high profile, biggest scam / con artist around town, and he lives right here, in Bangsar.

You can read up all about him and his self professed 'billion's here at his website. Read between the lines, and you'll ready get to know what Mr. Elie, or as he calls himself 'Lord Elie', is all about.

It would seem he's some billionaire royalty from Lebanon who grew up in Canada but fled to Malaysia because the 'Atkinson Family' is trying to kill him. He must mean Mr. Rowan Atkinson a.k.a Mr. Bean. Yes, that's a stone cold killer if I ever saw one. His money is all stuck because the government (which government I don't know) has all his banking papers and want to kill him the first chance they get. And so, since he's grievously stricken with cancer, walks around in crutches and what have you, he asks in his website for donations for him to continue living.. You poor billionaire you...

I stopped short of ripping my eyes out while reading the testimonial of how giving this 'noble philanthropist' owed countless business around the world..By the way, I googled all the stated companies, and not one came up legit! The testimonial is even allegedly written by some reporter from the Washington post! Well, that explains the grammar! Other than that, we are supposed to believe one of his brother is a Olympic gold medalist, the other owns the largest computer factory in the world and another married to some Italian royalty trying to regain their right to the thrown. Does Italy even have a king? I thought they had the Pope!

Really, I'm a bit lost for words at this guy. I was going to write a long post about how silly and stupid this whole thing is, but the more I read his little website, the more words fail me. I mean.. the sheer amount of bullshit this guy is capable of producing is just amazing... To wove together such a grand yet preposterous story line means this guy really thinks he's a master con man and story teller, capable of fooling the world, or he's seriously retarded. I'm inclined to believe the latter. Someone should take does fake crutches from him and knock him in the head. The sooner Mr. Bean kills him, the better.