Sunday, June 06, 2004

Whats the big deal?

WARNING: the passages below are totally nonsense

sometimes i find it strange why there is a big difference in opinion when it comes to porn

Some people enjoy it. Some say its the work of the devil, others say its a natural thing. Some say that it helps release the desire, some say it provokes it. Some say that with it, our minds become corrupted, others say, its just finding out the truth, since they alll originate from us, meaning, we are all corrupted already anyway.

so which is it? generally, women dont like it, or do they? some do, some dont. It is said, men are stimulated by visuals the most, hence the big following among men. but is this just a stigma? i mean, im sure there are guys that enjoy it, whether they admit or not, in fact, i dont think there is any guy in the world that doesnt!

But i guess in this part of the world, it is more naturall that men are the publicly sexual beings and women are expected to be the 'clean' tyoe, meaning no nonsense..... some think its disgusting (women)... mabe they really do, or maybe they are just conditioned to think that way. they dare not go against the norm and have been preconditioned to say, "its disgusting, and its degrading and i'm not supposed to like it.

Degrading. thats quite a good point isnt it? are the women in those p's degraded? are we as men showing no respect to them when we watch them? lets not forget that these women are actresses themselves, are getting paid and are doing these things willingly. (assuming there are no forced crimes, and its not child porn)

So whats so degrading about it? i mean, why the fuss? but theres the moral grounds that what is happening is sinful and that we are all condemned to hell if we condone this things. I'm hardly in a position to argue about this, seeing how unholy a person i have been. But i do agree that a line has to be drawn somewhere. that line has been push further and further back over the years, much to the enjoyment of many, the result being the 'open' society we live in now. But i do hope that that like does not dissapear, it has a function. Without it, society, in my opinion, will crumble.

Yes. we might have to be open in these times. But just look at criminals. have u wondered if they really want to do these things? i mean, do they really WANT to be criminals? of course not. They were desperate. They made 1 compromise, then another, and another and another and thats why they are the way they are today. Some goes for us in soxiety. Compromises have and can be made, but then the line has to be drawn some place.

i am by no means trying to advocate or be against the issue, just wondering about it from both end. I am trying to keep an open mind. Perhaps speaking personally to these ppl might put things in a little perspective....