Sunday, March 11, 2007

Everyday sunsets in Bintulu

Perhaps this picture best represents all that I did in Sarawak. The picture is of my buddy and I sitting on a log, by the coast watching the sun go down in the evening.

For one whole week, I experienced what it was to live in a small town; no busy street, clean air, no noise construction works, traffic jams and mostly the general urgent pace of city life.

I must say, up until recently, I never thought much about the sky. Maybe its because in the city, the sky is alway partially covered by high rise buildings and sky scrappers which are supposed to be pretty, KLCC Twin Towers come to mind. But while this architectural marvels are really amazing feats, they somewhat steal the thunder (no pun intended) of something else far more enduring and beautiful, the sky.

I made sure on my first flight, i got a window sit, and what I saw really blew me away. As I watched the land beneath me become small and smaller until and I forgot to look up. But when I did, it was heaven; flying through the clouds really made me smile from ear to ear. The guy next to me must have thought I was crazy. But the sight before my eyes were just so beautiful and I couldnt help but be amazed and just how beautiful something as simple as drops of water can take your breath away (I can hear the 'been-there-done-that' scoffs from those seasoned fliers now.) Not knowing how to share this bursting feelings, I whipped out a pen and paper and started writing what I was experiencing with the intention of posting in on a blog.

Then, over the course of the entire week, my friend and I took numerous walks towards the beach, with camera in hand ready to capture that fleeting moment. In Sarawak, with no high rise buildings, with no rush to go places, with no shopping malls, lifestyle coffee houses and trendy clubs, there is nothing to distract you from sitting on a shore, seeing the sun go down with the horizon stretching all the way from left to right, without being broken by ugly buildings or factory rooftops.

Maybe I might sound like a silly romantic to you, but doing nothing but watching the sunset was perhaps the most memorable thing I did all week. Of course, that wasnt the only thing I did all week. But coming back to KL, I know even something as everyday as a sunset is hard to find. My friend told me a chinese proverb (which I unfortunately forgot, sorry man!); but he basically said something to the effect that some things happen everyday, like the sunsets, like flowers blooming, and trees growing, like going about your day to day chores and talking to your friends and loved ones, but these every day things are also never ever the same again each time. Each conversation different, each blooming flower different, each sunset different.

We may have fantastic facilities, grand cities, 24 hour convenience, but as a city boy, i truly envy the those who live by the sea, and get to watch that sunset each and every single day.

Thats all for now, heres a combo shot of some of the pictures I go. To upload everything takes forever, so heres all for now OK. Take care. Nice to see you again friend.