Thursday, May 24, 2007

A possible long absence

Dear friend,

My sincerest apologies for the long absence and lack of posts. It has been a trying and busy time for me this past week, dealing with my mom and getting ready to travel abroad. I did manage to write some bits here and there, but I was unable to find a proper time and place to go online to actually post them… So that’s why you see, I have posted 2 entries in a day, they were really written out over the week.

I will continue to be busy spending whatever time I have left sorting my affairs in order, packing and accompanying my loved ones. Of course, I will do my best to continue writing whenever I get the time (or the internet connection), but it may be far and long in between.

I will continue writing when I reach the UK, but it will have to be after I have oriented myself with the place, and find a connection. But in the mean time, please take care. Though I do not know who you are, where you come from, or even why you have been so faithful in reading my blog, I like thinking of you as a far away friend that I will some day come to know, and thank you for your companionship and words of encouragement throughout all this while.

Your friend
