Friday, July 28, 2006

Bike; $1k. Helmet; $50. Freedom; priceless.

I seem to have left out something here.

I lost my motorbike at the beginning of June. Since then, i have been moving around eithee by foot or bus. The 2 months spent walking and sweating under the hot sun always reminding me of my carelessness.

Recently, I bought a second hand motorbike from a former classmate. This time with my hard earned savings and some sponsorship from my mother; the sale of the house made her the most cash rich person in my house.

Since then, i have been wisking here and there happily on my 'new' bike. This time around, its a sports bike, so its supposed to be noisy, smoky and blistering fast. But at almost a decade old, its real noisy, real smoky but not really fast. As opposed to my previous bike. Quite, clean, reasonably fast. But im not complaining. I like this bike twice as much eventhough its value is barely half.

The bike could be smoking up my entire neighbourhood for all i care. After what happend the last time, im not about to start whining. Having 'loved' and lost, i have greeted this second chance with eyes wide open and a leaping heart. Sure its not a car, but I can go wherever i want, whenever i want for whatever reason, and thats enough reason for me to keep me happy. Better than walking. Freedom is truely priceless.

So the next time im on my bike and i get caught in the rain, or when the black smokes of that dirty bus is on my face, i wont say "I wish i had a car." but ill say "How lovely the taste of freedom."
