Saturday, December 30, 2006

New year wishes

So 2006 is coming to an end....

Another year has passed, and as usual, everyone does plenty of reflecting on the year that has so quickly gone by. Has it really been 12 months? Is seems just like yesterday, we were welcoming 2006. Has it really been that long since 2000? When there was all the worry of the Y2K bug (still remember that?) and talk about July 1999 being doomsday. Has 9/11 really been 5 long years ago? What about the Tsunami in Indonesia? 2 years ago? Of course, you would have read by now that Saddam Hussein was hanged. Funnily, people still love making fun of George W.Bush... Has he really been president for so long?

Time truly flies.

But most of the time, what we all are concern about when recollecting the year is not current events, not elections, not world economics; its about you and me. Its how the year has been for us on a personal level.

I think this year has been my most active year in blogging. Its hard to believe just how many times i have sat in front of my computer, diligently typing all that i feel, and all that i think. In a way, i am glad that i did it. I get to look back on my own posts, reading my own thoughts and do more reflecting, and i get to read just how ridiculous i can get sometimes. Truth be told, its embarrassing reading back on my own blogs. After all, its like reading someones secrets, only its your own.

But a year it has been, and reading my post just make it all the clearer to me just what kind of year it has been for me. Its been tough, i would say. I just cant believe my mother ran away so many times. Cant believe she went into relapse so many times. Then I lost my motorbike, and found it.... both equally heart aching experiences. Went for a holiday in Singapore. Funny, it feels like i have gone through so much, yet when it comes down to writing it down, i am at a lost.

What was the highlight for me this year? Nothing much, yet so many things have happened too. So it feels more like a long marathon to the end, with constant challenges every single month. But nothing has happened to make me feel good about myself. I have achieved nothing this year, except to remain in one piece, coping with my problems. Is that something to shout about? Everyone has their challenges, and i have mine. But as i said, i'm just trying to make it through like in one piece!

The bond of friendship between my friends are stronger this time, i am at the brink of graduation, and my relationship with my girlfriend remains alright. So i guess thats something to be happy about. But then i think back on my old friends and suddenly realise that i havent seen them in 4 years!

Anyway, in short, there really isnt much i can think of worth saying of this year. Perhaps i should just read my entire blog again to refresh my memory. But i do know one thing. Thing WILL change a year from now. This time next year, i will no longer be a student, no longer attending college, friendships formed will now stand the test of time, and each will go their own way.

By the end of next year, i would have officially move on to the next phase of my life of an adult.

Next thing you know, im getting married and having children.. but not so fast ok!... i'm not ready to be a daddy yet.

My hopes for the new year is for my mother to suffer as little heart ache as possible. God knows how many years she has left, now at 51, but i pray that God bless her with at least one period of happiness in her life. I only hope that i am capable enough to give that to her.

I make no resolutions. But one quote reflects best what i wish.

"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference"

With that, i wish you a happy new year ahead of you my friend...