Monday, January 01, 2007

First day of the rest of the year

What a start to the new year.....

Lets see, how did my first day of new year go? I got caught in the rain, completely soaked wet by the time i arrived home on my bike. Oh ya, my mom ran away again....

My brother was planning to come over to see just how my mother was after i updated him on her latest episodes. When i came home the night before, she was still awake. I turned on my computer, typed out my last blog and crashed into bed.

The next morning, i woke to the sound of my brother knocking on the front door. I opened it for him, curious as to why my mother did not open it first. It didnt take long for us to realise that she was no longer at home... bags gone and all.

My brother stayed for a while and we chatted about her disappearance again. Some solution had to be found. We cant leave her to take her own medication, and we cant be hospitalizing her all the time. A monthly injection seems the most ideal solution.

Of course, that can be done only after she has appeared again, which we really have no idea when. It seems almost pointless to be angry at her for running away. In her state of mind, there is not much reasoning with her. I only hope that she knows how to take care of herself and return safely. In fact, i thought about it a lot today, and i told myself, perhaps i should stop saying that she has run away.

To say so would imply that she has in fact settled down here with us, and that she is leaving the place that she is meant to be. But perhaps to her, she hasnt quite settled down at all. To us, she is running away. To her, she is merely going someplace else. When she is done, she goes back to see her sons. The constantly packed bags throughout 2006 only confirms my suspicion.

I will say honestly that its starting to feel a little too familiar to me, coming home to find a missing mother. I half expect her to call me within this week to ask me to pick her up from the bus station. And i half expect her to run away again a few months later, unless we do something drastic.

Its hard to look forward to the new year when the first day goes like that. As they say, a bad start does not mean a bad finish. But I remain extremely apprehensive of what lies before me in the next 12 months.