Saturday, June 26, 2004

Why am I blogging?/Dear Mr Hung

Why am I here blogging? I seem to ask myself this question a lot and I cant seem to find an answer. I mean, ever since I started this silly little blog, I cant seem to get away from it, kinda like an addiction. Its cool, having a place to write whatever you want, at any time. Its fun knowing that everything that you have wrote is read by NO ONe, but then still could be read by ANYONE. But that anyone wouldn't know just who the heck are you... get what I mean?

So maybe the answer is that I'm blogging because it is a good outlet. I read on this other persons blog that blogging is the place you air your view and be heard. So its ok if people think its full of crap, because half the time, that's all we youngsters think of anyway. But then I don't think thats the reason I have for writing this blog, after all, I only gave this address to one person. So save to say, this page isn't meant for anyone else to read, not for now at least.

I am a man of many words, so I guess blogging is the best way to get all those unsaid words out of my system, before it gets too congested, and I start to suffer from speech disability. Its not that I have very strong opinions or that I always have comments for everything I see, its just that I have been told that I tend to say things very extensively when there is a more simple and faster way of saying it. Meaning, long-winded. See what I mean? Therefore, to avoid further audio disturbance to the beloved people around me, this blog will have to do.

So a quick change of topic here, I have just spent the last few minutes watching William Hung on the internet singing Can U feel the love tonight (, and honestly, im lost for words.. well, not really. Why would he be willing to sing? Doesn't he feel embarrassed? Doesn't his family feel embarrassed? Are the audience looking at him, or the skimpy dressed dancers? Aren't the skimpy dressed dancers embarrassed (about dancing at the back of an idiot)? I try and try to understand why this guy is willing to go out repeatedly and be the laughing stock of everyone? Money? The 1st time ppl will say, this guy has guts, second time, he has lots of guts! Third, fourth, fifth? he's
lost his brain!

its worse than being a clown! At least, with a clown, everybody expects deliberate funny humour, and that its all just an act, but this guy! my goodness, probably the nerdiest guy on the planet. Im surprised Simon Cowell wasnt harder on him.. He goes up there and sing and either doesnt realize that he sucks or he knows and doesnt give a damn. Maybe he was hoping that they see his 'inner talent'. wherever and whatever that might be. Regardless, he should realize that he's been made a fool. And his album... hmmMmm, lets say its the first time I am unwilling to spend even RM5 on a pirated CD. If i wanted to hear loud , irritating, noises, I would go to the zoo.At least there, some of the animal look good or sound nice and NATURAL. not some tone deaf, bunny tooth guy whos 'sings' and has the cheek to say "I have no professional training"

All the more shocking, he's a civil engineering student. You would think that after learning at least SOMe analytical and logical skills, he would know how to take care of himself! But nOOoOoo.. he had to skip class, go for an audition he knew he could never win. even worse something he had no 'professional training' in!

Dear William Hung

Pls stop singing for life.
Pls lay low for now eg: cover face with paper bag for the next 10 years
pls stick to your books
or even better, go hide in some foreign country. (social Asylum)

basically, quit it! stick to engineering and save yourself the embarrassment. If not your gona loose whatever credit you have left and no one is gona hire you, except maybe to laugh at you!