Friday, July 01, 2005

A letter to my love!

Dear Darling,

Life is full of wonders. The day I meet you, I was dead tired with not enough sleep. Yet meeting you rejuvenated my energy. That special feeling of chemistry stirred me very deeply and I enjoyed talking to you throughout the trip. Before, I had never talk to a girl or a stranger that casually and comfortable. Blame it on my limited social life, but I was intrigued by your life’s story and all the more by your appearance. You carried yourself so happily and confidently (you still do) that I never expected that you had gone through so much. I am not a person that cares much about how he looks, but on our first date, I was nervous. I wore what I think was my best shirt or rather what made me look ok. I didn’t like the fact that I wasn’t good in dressing up and I was scared to disappoint you. After all, I didn’t know what kind of person you made me out to be. But when I saw you, and you were even more casually dressed that me (shorts!) I knew that you were different. It put me at ease, knowing that you were in a way like me. You were comfortable the way you were and dressed down, very confidently, and that put me at ease.

I was taken in by your frankness and openness. You were just being yourself and not being too uptight or ‘jaga muka’ I was comfortable talking to you actually, It seemed so unreal and too perfect. Yet it wasn’t a dream. You were real, and I knew that I shouldn’t let this go by. Even if I couldn’t be your special someone, I would be your friend. The greatest thing that I value about you was that you were totally not judgmental of me and willing to accept me as it is. Not wondering why my face is so funny or why i dress so horribly. Darling, you left a very powerful impact on me that day. We just walked, didn’t watch a movie, ate fish and chips, and you sang to me in the park. If I had to choose a word to describe you from all I knew of you that day, it would be ‘special’ or ‘different’, ‘one-of-a-kind’ or basically a “I’d-be-a-fool-to-let-this-girl-slip-through-my-fingers” kind of girl.

Fast forward to today, you are still that same girl that I knew. There are sides of you that I discovered and others that I only catch a glimpse of. I feel that we have both come a long way. I feel so honoured that I have had the chance to watch you bloom and become a really great woman. Yes, we do fight, sometimes so seriously that you doubt if we have made the right decision in being with each other. But I think it is all part and parcel of a relationship right? We fight because we step on each others toes, but we step on each others toes because we are so close! Though we have many issues to work out together, I believe that we can do it. They are not obstacles that are holding back our relationship but rather an opportunity for us to get closer and find a harmony. I am very happy that we are together. Even though it seems that we are of totally opposite characters, it may turn out to be something good in the long run. Being with you and meeting you on that fateful day up on Bukit Gasing has really changed my life. I’m not sure where I’ll be and what kind of person I would have ended up, but I am glad that I am here, with you and because of you, I am the person I am today, still sloppy, messy and disorganized but gratefully, having in my possession, the most wonderful and precious thing in the world that is beyond any value. Your love.

Yours truly
