Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Thanks for your advice

I dont really know if sending my mother to my brothers place is a good option. For one, his place is in the middle of nowhere. The shops are far away, and its hard to get around without a car. She feels more comfortable staying here. That, plus the fact that my father has just moved in with my brother. To me, asking the 2 of them to stay together is a recipe for disaster.

The notion of sending her to the hospital has been brought up numerous times by my girlfriend as well as my brother. But i know that by doing it, it would break my mothers heart. No mother would want to be sent away from their children, by their own children, even if we say its for her own good. I have been giving her her medication regularly for the pass week, at quite a high dose. I dont know if its too early to say, but for the pass 2 days, she has shown lesser resistance when i give it to her. I hope the medicine is finally kicking in.

To me personally, though it gets to me and it really upsets me in every single way, i remain adamant about not sending her off to my brothers or the hospital just yet. Maybe its just some sort of self punishment, maybe its a sense of responsibility, or perhaps its me trying to make up for the past when i was never there by her side. I want to know and feel that i have truely done everything i can, with every fibre of my being for her before i pass the burden on to others.

I guess at some level, i want to be here in this situation. I want to be there facing the problem face on, to literally be there and support her and take care of her. Not just in name, or in the monetary sense. She gives me hell at times like these, but i keep thinking of a song by Michael Bolton she keeps on singing to me last time. It goes something like "I'd rather have bad times with you than good times with someone else." Yes, i could send her away, but i think deep down, i dont want to do it until i really need to. It is as much for my sake as it is for her.

The day will come when i go to study in the UK. My brother and i have not fully worked out the details of what will happen to her or how we are going to take care of her. But it will be his turn to face what i am facing now. I only how he will rise to the occasion. He has a good heart, but i sometimes doubt just how far he can be pushed before yielding emotionally. The memory of him breaking down and crying last year (was it last year? seems so long ago) still lingers in my mind. I worry for him, but i hope the strong faith that he has, which i lack so much, will carry him through.

What is in store for the future is hard to tell. I have voiced my intention to work offshore, in the oil and gas industry to my father. He says its up to me. I know the work is dangerous, and its the kind of life that not many people are willing to go through. To be out in sea for weeks on end, to risk your life in harsh working conditions. But to me, the rewards of the job will ensure that i can provide well for my family, for my mother, and myself. My motivation is undoubtly the cash. To be earning a 5 figure salary out of college is tempting. My friends dream of big cars, phones, holidays, and all sorts of things when thinking of working offshore. But i think of the good and proper treatment i wil be able to provide my mother in private hospitals, i think of the money i can repay my girlfriends aunt, my brother, my father and even my girlfriend. I think of the good start i can give myself and my future family if i work offshore, so that my family and my future children would not have to go through what i have gone through.

But the price of it is indeed costly, because it would mean that i am never around. I would be in the middle of nowhere, miles and miles away from civilization, away from those who matter the most to me. Then there is the danger of actually dying. Just last week, another helicopter on the way to the oil rig offshore crashed. 20 people survived, but the pilot died. A cold chill went down my spine. The third this year. Or at least, the third reported. These would be the kinds of danger i would have to face, and they are very real. When i spoke to one person who has actually done such jobs, he just told me "Every day, when you drive, you are at risk of dying too; and that risk is probably higher." Well, a good point there. More people die of car accidents than people in oil rigs.

Whether or not it will work out, i do not know. But deep down, i feel that what will happen depends on me. If my life is going to be different, if my life is going to be better, i have to do something. Not just let things happen. If i did nothing, i would just end up on the route everyone else has travelled on. Graduate, get a 9 to 5, buy a house, get married etc, buy a house, car, and land yourself in debt again. I could do that, and i might even feel contented. But something at the back of my mind just keeps bothering me, telling me "Make a difference. You are destined for more than just a life like so many others." Maybe its just wishful thinking on my part, but that poem by Robert Frost we all know so well just keeps coming to me.

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that, the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I marked the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
Robert Frost
I never knew when i studied this poem that i would be in the same position. Every line just speaks to me, reflecting how i feel inside. I feel reluctant to take the road so many others have taken. I find myself wanting to go to that other road, the grassy road that wanted wear.
But fear plagues me. The fear of not knowing what lies ahead. The fear of seemingly sacrificing my life just for cold hard cash. But mostly, the fear of not being around. To me, the fear of dying is not for myself, but for the people i leave behind. Who will take care of my mother? Who will hold my girlfriend and reassure her that everything is ok? Who will comfort my father that his son died before him? Will my brother be able to take care of everyone?
Its pointless to ponder too much for the moment. In the mean time, i will deal with my life one step at a time. Thank you for your advice, thank you for your kind words of encouragement. Be assured that at least emotionally, i can still handle it. Its just at the heat of the moment, when the heart just needs soothing, when for a moment, i think i have truely lost my way that it really is difficult for me.