Thursday, August 02, 2007

Where did you learn how to type?

Here's something interesting I have to relate:

When it comes to typing, I can type much faster that the people around me. I took a typing test, and found out that I can type an average of 350 characters per minute; its not really that fast, but to my friends who average 200 something characters per minute, its above average.

This ask me why is it that I can type so fast. Did I take lessons? Did I go through countless hours of practice? Did I stare in front of the computer for hours everyday playing Typing Shark?

I just smile and say I do not know. Maybe I was born with fast fingers, maybe the keyboard is well designed.. of course we all know that our standard QWERTY keyboard layout makes absolutely no sense at all. Its designed to confuse you and dupe you into thinking you need typing lessons to learn it and make typing software developers rich.

Of course, the real reason I can now type the speed I do, is because of all the blogging I have done over the past 3 years. With a grand total of 270 post to my name, somewhere along the line, typing just became something second nature to me. No more fiddling looking for alphabets and trying to figure out where the exclamation mark is, though the typo errors still come especially when I go too fast. Of course, they weren't about to be privy to this information!

If you want to type fast, hey, just start a blog, rant away about you miserable and sad life, keep your fingers crossed and hope that no one you know reads it and gets you in trouble. At the same time, keep your other fingers crossed and hope that someone you dont know does come and read what you write; since you don't really want all that writing to go to waste. Hey, I did it, and it worked for me! Reading back, I am amazed at the fact that I have come up with 270 post over these few years. I do feel tempted to delete some of the more crappy post, but in the end, its like sentimental junk you just cant bring yourself to throw out. To be able to recapture the emotions and feelings from the past, reminded of the raw emotions of the time, as if being told a story by myself is quite an interesting experience. It is especially significant, since some of the most heart wrenching moments involving my mother were recorded here. These post remain very personal and very real to me.

Here, here.. then here.. and finally here. Read at your own risk!
