Friday, July 01, 2005

An unsent letter

Dear friend,

You and I never got the chance to be closer. If fact, we were more acquaintances than friends. Over the many years, I used to look at you all the time. I don’t think you realized it, but I would just look your way to catch a glance at you. Despite all the teasing from people, I never once admitted my feelings to anyone, expect a few trusted ones. You were the first person that caught my eye when I moved in to that place. I remember the bag u used to carry, I accidentally spilled water all over it, remember? Of course you don’t. I always wanted to talk to you, but I didn’t dare, because we didn’t speak the same language and I was afraid of making a fool of myself. So instead, I just admired you from afar, always keeping my distance, occasionally talking to you but never daring to say too much. On days that we did speak, my heart would be filled with joy, and when you occasionally caught me looking at you, I felt like the embarrassment was enough to pierce through my skin into my heart and kill me. Still I felt for you, if only from afar.

As time passed, you started mixing with others and slowly drifted away from class and the only time I got to see you was in school. By the end of 7 years, I still only knew you by name. People always spoke about you. Saying that you are very beautiful and whoever got to be with you was a very lucky man. My father said you had very nice brown hazel eyes. I always thought about coming up to you and talking to you, being friends, but I knew it would have caused an up roar. Plus, I had a feeling that you didn’t feel the same way towards me. You were this very beautiful and popular girl, guys always looked at you and spoke about you and I was a fat overweight, pot bellied squinty eyed nobody that couldn’t speak Cantonese. I knew that if I ever approached you, I would have to deny my feelings. You could have your choice pick and I certainly wasn’t prime material.

So time passed and we no longer see each other at all. All of us are in our own world. We were never really that close and there is no reason for us to miss each other. But I just want to tell you that I think about you sometimes. We don’t know each other, but I do think about you and how we met and how we have known each other for 7 or 8 years yet we are nothing but strangers. I had the longest of crushes on you bur never acted on it. I admired you from afar, and I still do. Maybe it was fate, or maybe we’ll get to know each other better in the future, but unlikely. I think back fondly on you. To me you are a beautiful, mysterious figure that I admired yet never dared to approach

Yours truly
A friend