Friday, July 01, 2005

What he's thinking

When a person gets nostalgic, he starts to think much of the past. He thinks about his friends, his past love, his teachers, his parents, siblings and even his long time crush from long ago (she never found out that he really liked her, amidst all the denial and teasing) The realization that time has flown by and still is dawns very hardly on him. We wonders what would have happened if he had actually confessed to that crush his feelings. Would he have been burnt? Would his love be returned instead? Should he have been better to his friends and be more of a friend to them and not just an acquaintance? Would it have made a difference? Should he have studied harder or been more active? He wonders that is going on in the lives of his former family members, if they are doing ok or if they have moved on.

Thinking about all the should haves, could haves and would haves, he feels tempted to give these people a call, saying "Hey, I was just remembering you. You know, I really enjoyed the times that we did spend together. It is a shame that those times have passed. You want to catch up?" But something just holds back his hand. Maybe it’s the thought that they did not enjoy those times or worse, they do not cherish those times and have moved on. Many would welcome the occasional call, but he didn’t think any of them would seriously want to further develop that friendship. They all are in new friendships now and with other people to laugh and play with and to create more of those memories.

He was told that people change friends every 5 years on average. So what happens to these people after 5 years? Do people just forget about them? Of course, they find new friends too. So does friendship last? Many months ago, he called a friend. They spoke and chatted for a few hours. But then he realized that that person wasn’t on the same wavelength as him. If he didn’t call, that person wouldn’t have either. True enough, it has been 6 months and not a call. It is very melancholy to hurt yourself to prove a point. How many fully grown adults still have friends from their schooling years? Who are your friends now? What happened to those friendships? Who do you think will be around you 10 years from now? Do you think people think of you as much as you do them?