Wednesday, November 15, 2006

End of the storm?

Perhaps its a little premature for me to start making conclusions but........

My mother seems to have improved somewhat. She was quite in an argumentative mood yesterday, but seems to have tone down a notch today. For one, she hasnt resisted much when i gave her her medication. I still give in to her in her drink, and she knows it. But she drinks it with much less pressure from me. Previously, i had to really pressure her before she even took a sip. But today, when i gave it to her, she just did as i said and drank the entire cup quickly.

Other then that, she seems less agitated. She has started doing some of the house work again, and and more importantly, i dont have to ask her to go brush her teeth bath or anything. She did it all by her own this time. A far cry from last week, when she took 20 minutes in the toilet and came out only half dressed. She even insisted on taking the trash out. I didnt want to initially, but the trash really needed clearing, i let her. I asked her if i could trust her, she just said she would throw it and come back. So i unlocked the door and let her go out. I watched her from the window, wondering if she would make a run for it. But she didnt, and came back immediately. So some credit to her there.

I bought dinner for her, but this time she didnt complain or refuse to eat. She just asked which packet was hers, and took a spoon and started eating. I was half expecting myself to make her eat her food again, but her unexpected co-operation was a welcomed relief. Last week, when my mother went through my room and all our things, my girlfriend became furious. She made me promise her to install a lock on the room door. I agree that when she's like that, its better to keep our room locked when she's not around. But when she is ok, i really dont feel the need to. Still, a promise is a promise and i will get the lock installed. But i hope i dont have to use it any time soon again.

My brother called to ask how she was, and i told him what i just wrote. Obviously he was pleased to hear it. I told him that i dont want to be too quick to judge. I have been giving her her medicine regularly, and maybe i should just do it indefinitely instead of returning it to her. That way, we might be able to avoid a relapse. So let me just give it a few more days before i truely conclude that these black days have passed. For the moment, its more like a pause in the storm. It just might return again.

Update on me dad; he did get the job offer and started work today. But immediately, the want to send him down south to the state office to troubleshoot. According to him, its a challenging job, with lots of problems. Its a security company, supplying security officers to bank outlets etc. I was pleased to hear it. A challenging job would be welcomed anytime compare to a mundane job. To me, keep him busy enough and he'll get over his divorce the quicker. He' s supposed to relocate down south at the start of next year. Im not sure if that is a good thing or not. But at least its progress. Of course, a lot of relief comes from the hope that within these 2 months or so, some of our money woes will lessen somewhat. Like i said, i have forgotten how it feels like to receive enough money 0n a monthly basis. I'd sure like to remember how it feels like again. At least for the remaining few months of my student life.