Tuesday, July 20, 2004

M.I.A: Missing in Action

Well, i think it has been ages since i last bloged. i haven't excatly forgotten about this blog, only that i have been extremely busy and when i am online, there are certain people that are around that make it difficult to blog comfortably. So after a long break, here i am again.
A lot has been happening of late. There was the TARC carnival which took up virtually all of my time last weekend. I barely had time for my darling, but unlike in the past, i decided that i should not be too selfless and sacrifice what is important to me for something that may seem more urgent but not necessarily more important. So i did not totally commit all my time to the carnival counter, and i spent whatever time that i could with my darling, after all i'm very sure the rest of those guys did the same. If they could take time off to go for both the orientation oddesey and the talen time, why am i not entitiled to my own time off right? But it was great fun. On the first day, we did horribly because we had terrible prizes. I mean for RM5, the maximum you could get is in Excel drink! come on! If i were a visitor i would NEVER go for our counter game! But we still managed the impossible and got the second highest sale for the day with RM 319. Pathetic right? So we got together after that on Friday night in an EGM (emergency general meeting) and decided that dolls were the order for the day.
Of course none of us were really concentrating on what had to be done. I had an unfinished assignment to be submitted the next morning by 10am and it was 10 pm already. Needless to say, there was going to be a sleepless night. But alls well ends well and basically, i got the assignment handed in and the counter was doing great business. Our sales shot up tp RM1000 something and we gave away a whole bunch of dolls. In between running from the counter in college to my darling, i managed to meet her uncle on Saturday night. Nice man, but very different. Likes fishing, farts around freely at home and was born in China. Gave me an open invitation to go fishing on Sundays. I'm not sure what he thinks of me, but i think i may have been a little too thick skinned during dinner, seeing how i ate like a pig and totally not minding my manners, gobbling up everything in sight. I think i must have over did it. I was just trying to be myself, not showing that i was uncomfortable and just act naturally. maybe just a little too natural i guess. I had rice sticking out of my lips and i think i ate the most! What a first impression. And while i was busy consuming everything in sight, i barely said anything, just smiling a lot. Maybe they thought i had Down Syndrome!
But i think it was ok, darling's uncle seemed fine with me, he isnt a person of many words, but i tried creating some conversation whenever possible. So now that the carnival is out of the way, i have 5 more weeks til the final exam. all is not well in that area, and major studying effort has to be put in if i am to have any chance of scoring an A. Meanwhile, i just got the very horrible news that Pa has lost his job in Singapore
This undoubtly means bad news.  With Pa out of a job, there is no income this means that no income= trouble for us. Honestly, i'm worried about how things are going to turn out for us. I don't have a lot of money left with me and i'm not exactly a great saver. But then we'll see how it goes. May God Bless us for a little while longer