Thursday, December 01, 2005

The longest week

The thing i feel like doing the most now is smashing up some random car. With a baseball bat maybe... yes, metal one even better. These weeks have felt REEALLY long. My last entry was November 11th and today is the 1st of December. A new month with a new hope maybe?

Just a quick update. Last month (or last episode, seeing how my life is one big soap opera) my mom ran away from the house, on the day she was supposed to go for her injection. Now, keep in mind, this will be the SECOND time that she has ran away from me in 3 weeks. But this time, we didnt go down to Kedah to catch her. A few days later she calls up, doing fine naturally. She offered no appologies for what she did and i remain sore with her till today. After staying up north for a month, we asked her to come stay with us for a while. So she's staying with us now, for a week. My brother moved back in, and just as quickly, moved out again. He quited his last job and took on another. My father wasnt too happy about that. Miraculously, we STILL are dead broke. Miraculously, it has been like this since April. Miraculously, its December now, and we are still ALIVE!
As for me, i feel sick last Thursday, and still sick till today.

I had a public speaking competition on Saturday. But by Friday night, i was still down with fever. Magically, on Saturday morning, the fever lifted and i was able to deliver my speech, though not nearly as good as i hoped it to be. Im up to my neck with assignments, homework, public speaking competiton, carolling practice (for the hospital), insecure extra fierce girlfriend,ex-runaway mom and lonely-troubled father to do my juggling act with. Quite a handfull, IMHO

Nonetheless, theres no time to complain, no time to fuss. Crying is a luxury men cannot afford and complaining should be left to the women! =P Thats why the only option left is to smash up some random guys car with a metal baseball bat! And you wonder why there's so much road rage going on!

But Christmas is around the corner, and somehow, no matter how horrible things are, i cant help but feel maybe just a liiiitle lighter. Afterall, Christmas is about the joys of giving, who knows what we're gona get right? It is also my most desperate wish that with the new year coming, things will start taking a turn for the better. 1 horrible years is quite enough for a guy to stomach, let alone 2. I'd really be smashing up a car if things dont start to work out better...but maybe just a toy one.. for appetizers.